Keyword search: Royalston MA
ROYALSTON – Royalston Community School was recognized as one of 10 schools across the state named as Attendance All-Star schools for greatly reducing its chronic student absenteeism between March 1, 2023 and March 1, 2024.In a letter to RCS Principal...
ROYALSTON — Mother nature conjured up some perfect summer weather as about 100 people and a dozen dogs made their way to Royalston Common on Sunday for the annual Royalston Music Fest.Musical acts from around the North Quabbin area entertained from...
Annual Royalston Music FestThe Royalston Cultural Council is hosting the annual Royalston Music Fest this Sunday, Aug. 11 on the stage at Bullock Park, at the south end of Royalston Common. The family friendly event runs from noon to 4 p.m. is free to...
ROYALSTON — A trio of Proposition 2½ debt-exclusion questions were approved by voters at a special election on Tuesday and an override was defeated on a vote that couldn’t have been any closer.The override that would have provided $75,411 for the...
ROYALSTON – The Select Board reviewed options to have the Town Hall elevator, which was rendered inoperable during a series of storms on July 16, back up and running.The elevator was knocked out when lightning struck Town Hall, and while the building...
ROYALSTON – In one week, voters will decide on three Proposition 2 ½ debt exclusions and one override totaling approximately $1 million.The Special Town Election will take place next Tuesday, Aug. 6.The amount of each of the debt exclusions was...
ROYALSTON – The Worcester County District Attorney’s office has released the names of the victims killed in a two-vehicle accident in Royalston on July 16.Roger Byron, 52, of Gardner, and Paul Sliwinski, 69, of Auburn, were passengers in one of the...
ROYALSTON — Two people were killed in a crash on Athol Road Tuesday afternoon, according to Police Chief Curtis Deveneau.The crash was reported at 2:22 p.m. on Tuesday. One vehicle, occupied by only the driver, was traveling south on Athol Road and a...
Early in-person voting in RoyalstonROYALSTON – Early in-person voting will take place on Saturday, Aug. 24, from 9 a.m.-5p.m. and Wednesday, Aug. 28, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the town clerk’s office, Whitney Hall, 5 School St. Saturday, Aug. 24, is the last...
ROYALSTON – Between now and the first Tuesday in September, voters in Royalston will be going to the polls twice.A Special Town Election scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 6, will determine the fate of three Proposition 2 ½ debt exclusions and one override....
ATHOL – With the school year at a close, the free Summer Eats program will begin on July 1 in the Athol and Royalston communities. All kids and teens 18 and under can eat meals for free, no sign-up required, no questions asked. Just show up at the...
Fifth-grade gold honor rollAbigail Butler, Axel Calderon-Perez, benjamin Cameron, Natalia Campion, Camden DeStefano, Dominic Diaz, Dennis Estrada, Klara Guilmette, Leighann Gunderman, Maya Hamilton, Kairi Hough, Randy Hough, Grace Kelley, Addison...
Athol Royalston recognizes May Students of the Month
ROYALSTON — The Office of the Attorney General has found that the Select Board violated the Open Meeting Law when an email was sent among a quorum of the board outside a public meeting regarding a town employee’s resignation.The board has acknowledged...
ROYALSTON – Ninety-six voters showed up for Saturday’s Annual Town Meeting at Town Hall, but many did not stay the entire four hours it took to finish the 31-article warrant.In the end, one Proposition 2 ½ override, two debt exclusions and a $2.9...
ROYALSTON – Voters will face a 31-article warrant when they gather for the Annual Town Meeting tomorrow at 10 a.m. at Town Hall.Among the items under consideration is one Proposition 2 ½ override and two debt exclusions. If the override or either of...
ROYALSTON – Initial efforts to craft a new master plan for the town will focus on its housing needs and potential economic development.Senior Planner Tracy Murphy of the Montachusett Regional Planning Commission and its principal planner, Joseph...
Spectrum has announced an expansion of its services to Warwick and Royalston, among other rural towns, through the Federal Communications Commission’s Rural Digital Opportunity Fund.According to the announcement, Spectrum internet, phone, and TV...
Fifth Grade Gold Honor RollAbigail Bouchard, Natalia Campion, Camden Destefano, Colt Gallant, Klara Guilmette, Leighann Gunderman, Maya Hamilton, Grace Kelley, Luna Luna, Shania Luna, Brielle McCorquodale, Noah Porcal, Isabella Tarara, and Sabrina...
ROYALSTON – A last-minute addition has been made to the warrant for Royalston’s Annual Town Meeting seeking $700,000 through a Proposition 2 ½ debt exclusion. The new article, authored by the town’s Building Committee, would pay for improvements to...
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