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Thomas Aquinas College chapel named pilgrimage site
01-17-2025 1:25 PM


NORTHFIELD — The bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield has decreed that the Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel at Thomas Aquinas College (TAC) will be an official pilgrimage site for the people of the diocese in observance of the 2025 Jubilee Year.

Displaying articles 1 to 6 out of 6 total.

New Salem pastor retiring after 50-plus years
08-04-2024 12:00 PM


NEW SALEM — The Rev. Edward “Ted” Boren plans to preach his final service at North Congregational Church on Sept. 1 — exactly 54 years to the month that he started there.The 82-year-old will deliver five more sermons before he retires and each worship...

Orange to bill church $13.7K after complaint of unfair treatment
06-19-2024 5:00 PM


ORANGE — After receiving a letter in March advising them of a complaint alleging special treatment of Mission Covenant Church, Selectboard members, in collaboration with the assessors, have decided to bill the church $13,723.54 for taxes.Americans...

DC group presses Orange town officials on church use
06-07-2024 5:00 PM


ORANGE — An organization dedicated to guaranteeing political distance between religious institutions and the government has not heard from town officials nearly three months after informing them of a complaint alleging special treatment of Mission...

Petersham Congregational Church marks bicentennial
09-19-2023 5:00 PM

Staff Report

PETERSHAM – Last Sunday, Sept. 17, the Petersham Orthodox Congregational Church held a commemoration ceremony as part of its bicentennial celebration.Pastor Rev. Geoffrey Smith guided the festivities and spoke about previous celebration events—the...

Petersham church bicentennial concludes this weekend
09-19-2023 5:00 PM


PETERSHAM—A 1700s Bible belonging to Rev. Daniel Grosvenor and signed by him in 1782 will be on display in Petersham this weekend as part of the bicentennial finale of the Orthodox Congregational Church.The Bible was donated to the Petersham...

Petersham Church celebrates two centuries 
06-27-2023 2:34 PM


PETERSHAM – On Saturday, members of Petersham Orthodox Congregational Church presented a “living history” in honor of the church’s 200th anniversary.Organized by Barbara Hanno, the June 24 event featured individuals portraying historical figures...

Displaying articles 1 to 6 out of 6 total.

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