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Franklin County towns back paint recycling bill
07-26-2024 3:50 PM


Towns across Franklin County have signed letters in support of a paint recycling bill that advocates say could save municipalities money and help protect the environment.Bernardston, Northfield, Montague, Deerfield, Sunderland and Hawley have signed...

Displaying articles 1 to 2 out of 2 total.

Proponent seeks support for statewide paint recycling program
06-04-2023 4:06 PM


ASHFIELD — Inspired by a model being used in Clifton Park, New York, Dalton resident Tom Irwin is going across Massachusetts to drum up support for a bill that would create a statewide paint recycling program.The bill, H.823 and S.551, has been...

Green Clean Athol celebrates Earth Day
04-12-2023 4:55 PM


ATHOL – The Green Clean Athol cleanup effort takes place this year on Saturday, April 22, the same day people around the globe will participate in events marking the 53rd anniversary of Earth Day.“We are hoping for a big turnout,” co-organizer Heidi...

Displaying articles 1 to 2 out of 2 total.

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