Trump cult?

Published: 02-08-2023 9:16 AM

Trump cult?

David Kempf’s Jan. 10 letter is interesting for he states he sees his cult leader’s faults but I doubt he would/could care to enumerate them. How about misogynist, narcissist, infantile calling of names to anyone who questions him, incredible lack of knowledge of U.S. or world history, undermining democracy domestically and internationally, being cozy with Putin and Kim Jong-un and lying at least ten times a day throughout his presidency. There are  a few other flaws in his character as well.  The writer balances all that against he “put America first” and the what-about-ism of Ted Kennedy’s despicable actions in 1969. Does putting America first mean continuing to rake in profits while president, enriching your daughter with her  special agreements with China, having your son in law gain billions in investment dollars from Saudi Arabia ( the source of most of 9/11 terrorists) the minute Trump left the White House. Cult followers are people who refuse to walk away from a fraudulent leader once his many reprehensible traits come to light.

Also, calling our president a “bozo” is juvenile like Mr. Trump and disrespectful.

Robert Fairchild



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