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Erving officers, CSO clinician commended for suicide prevention at French King Bridge
02-05-2025 2:00 PM


ERVING — Three Erving police officers and a mental health clinician with Clinical & Support Options (CSO) have been formally commended for their lifesaving actions in two different incidents involving suicidal individuals at the French King Bridge.

Displaying articles 1 to 7 out of 7 total.

PHOTO: Fog and foliage at French King Bridge
10-18-2024 2:25 PM

Baby on board: Mother details roadside birth of daughter on Route 2 in Gill
09-02-2024 9:43 AM


ORANGE — Carolyn Gilmore was informed by her midwives that the labor process for a second child typically goes faster than the first. However, Gilmore wasn’t expecting to deliver her second child within a half hour of her water breaking, nor in the...

French King Bridge barriers ‘working’ after 2023 installation
08-27-2024 3:13 PM


GILL – Earlier this summer, Stacey Hamel heard a rumor that since the barriers were placed on the French King Bridge in August 2023, neither Gill nor Erving first responders have been called to the bridge for rescue of people in crisis, or recovery of...

Franklin Tech student welds ‘artistic’ bench for French King Bridge
04-30-2024 1:14 PM


ERVING — Drawing inspiration from the French King Bridge, Franklin County Technical School senior Laynie Coates, 17, put her welding skills to the test.The result, a green bench with lettering that says “Gateway to the Mohawk Trail” and a bridge-like...

‘A new iteration’ for French King Bridge: Advocates, officials mark installation of safety barriers
10-13-2023 5:38 PM


ERVING — In recognition of the long-awaited installation of safety barriers at the French King Bridge, town and state officials, first responders and affected families gathered for an emotional reception at the French King Restaurant on Thursday...

Event looks to ‘recognize the impact’ of French King Bridge safety barriers
10-01-2023 5:00 PM


To acknowledge the years of advocacy and heartache that led to the installation of safety barriers at the French King Bridge, the town is partnering with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) to host a reception at the French King...

French King Bridge safety barrier construction at ‘halfway point’
04-11-2023 5:03 PM


The French King Bridge between Gill and Erving is expected to be reduced to one lane of alternating traffic this week as the state Department of Transportation (MassDOT) continues its work to install safety barriers, a project that Gill Police Chief...

Displaying articles 1 to 7 out of 7 total.

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