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Keyword search: FirstLight Hydro Generating Co.

Annual Turners Falls effort protects sea lampreys while providing education
09-24-2024 3:01 PM


TURNERS FALLS — Toting buckets and nets, roughly 30 volunteers made the trek down into the muddy pit that is the drained power canal to rescue sea lampreys on Monday. This yearly rescue, conducted when the power canal is drained for yearly...

Displaying articles 1 to 4 out of 4 total.

Bridge closure, power canal drawdown extended in Turners Falls
10-20-2024 1:38 PM

TURNERS FALLS — The Fifth Street Bridge over the canal, also known as the Green Bridge, will remain closed until Friday, Oct. 25, as maintenance work being conducted by the state Department of Transportation (MassDOT) continues.According to a post on...

Valley lawmakers seek shorter license for FirstLight hydropower projects
05-10-2024 4:18 PM


TURNERS FALLS — Area lawmakers are asking the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to limit the relicensing of FirstLight’s hydropower projects from 50 years to 30 years, and to mandate the company disclose more data to the public about its...

Stakeholders submit ranging comments on FirstLight’s Recreation Settlement Agreement
07-12-2023 4:14 PM


TURNERS FALLS — Three local stakeholder organizations have submitted comments on FirstLight Hydro Generating Co.’s proposed Recreation Settlement Agreement, sharing concerns ranging from insufficient advisory group representation to inadequate...

FirstLight settlement draws mixed response
04-03-2023 4:23 PM


TURNERS FALLS — With Friday marking the deadline, FirstLight Hydro Generating Co. has filed its Flows and Fish Passage Settlement Agreement with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).FirstLight, which previously submitted its Amended Final...

Displaying articles 1 to 4 out of 4 total.

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