Keyword search: ELECTION
ATHOL – In his campaign for one of two Athol seats on the Athol Royalston Regional School Committee, Charles Larkin hopes to utilize his teaching skillset to benefit the students.After graduating from Marlboro High School in 1993, Larkin entered...
ROYALSTON – Voters who thought there would only be one choice for the newest Selectboard member may be surprised to hear that they now have another option.Shelby Bronnes recently announced that she is running as a write-in candidate, mounting a...
Delvena Theatre Company presents “Bon Appetit, Julia”ATHOL — Join the Athol Public Library at 568 Main St., Athol, on Thursday, April 13, from 6–7 p.m., for the Delvena Theatre Company’s performance of “Bon Appetit, Julia.” This is the sequel to...
ROYALSTON – Despite spending two decades in Virginia, Ryan Hood says he is Royalston through and through.Hood, a Royalston native, is poised to become the newest member of the town’s Selectboard. The only person to submit nomination papers to run for...
ATHOL — Louis Marino, a lifelong Republican turned Libertarian, is hoping to unseat U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren in the next election.Marino, of Athol, announced his candidacy at the Unified Libertarians of Massachusetts convention last Saturday. He...
Athol resident Louis “Lou” Marino has declared his candidacy for U.S. Senate, intending to run on the Libertarian Party ticket against incumbent Democrat Elizabeth Warren in 2024.A veteran of several municipal roles as an elected West Springfield...
ORANGE – The 2023 annual Town Meeting will be called to order by Matthew Fortier.The town’s health agent ran uncontested for moderator and won with 164 votes in Monday’s election. He replaces Christopher Woodcock, who decided not to seek re-election...
PETERSHAM – Voters going to the polls for the annual Town Election Monday had to do a bit of writing to complete their ballots.Because no one had taken out nomination papers by the deadline to be included on the ballot, voters wrote in the names of...
PETERSHAM – The deadline to return nomination papers for the annual Town Election has come and gone, with no one filing to run for a seat on the Selectboard or two on the School Committee.Selectboard Treasurer Rebecca Legare and School Committee...
Petersham annual election nomination papers now available PETERSHAM — Nomination papers for the annual Town Election, to be held on March 6, 2023, are now available. They may be obtained at the Town Clerk’s Office until Monday, Jan. 13, 2023 at...
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