He’s seen Bigfoot: Paranormal researcher Ronny Le Blanc to speak at Erving Public Library on Sunday, Jan. 19

Bigfoot, UFO, and paranormal researcher Ronny Le Blanc signing copies of his book “Monsterland: Encounters with UFOs, Bigfoot and Orange Orbs.” Le Blanc will be speaking at the Erving Public Library on Sunday, Jan. 19 where he will share his knowledge of the paranormal.

Bigfoot, UFO, and paranormal researcher Ronny Le Blanc signing copies of his book “Monsterland: Encounters with UFOs, Bigfoot and Orange Orbs.” Le Blanc will be speaking at the Erving Public Library on Sunday, Jan. 19 where he will share his knowledge of the paranormal. COURTESY RONNY LE BLANC

Ronny Le Blanc is an author, independent researcher and screenwriter from Leominster with an interest in UFOs, Bigfoot and the paranormal.

Ronny Le Blanc is an author, independent researcher and screenwriter from Leominster with an interest in UFOs, Bigfoot and the paranormal. COURTESY RONNY LE BLANC


Staff Writer

Published: 01-17-2025 9:55 AM

Paranormal aficionado Ronny Le Blanc knows there’s something out there besides humans – knowledge he wants to share and explore during a talk at the Erving Public Library on Jan. 19. 

Le Blanc, a Leominster native, is known for his time spent on Travel Channel’s “Expedition Bigfoot” and “Paranormal Caught on Camera” along with his research into Bigfoot, UFOs and other paranormal phenomena. He is also an author and speaker, speaking to audiences both nationally and around New England. 

In an interview with Le Blanc, he said that he’s been speaking at libraries across Massachusetts for the last two years. These free library talks, Le Blanc said, are opportunities to share his knowledge of the paranormal at the places where he learned so much.

“We didn’t Google, we had to read books. We had to do our own the Dewey Decimal System, and do some research,” Le Blanc said. “So it's kind of my way of giving back to the libraries that just supported me in the past with books, and things like that.”

At these library presentations, Le Blanc says that he opens with a slide dedicated to the suspension of disbelief. The purpose of opening with the “film term,” as he puts it, is to prime listeners to be open to new perspectives.

“Say you're watching a science fiction film, your brain wants to rationalize everything and give an explanation, and sometimes you just have to keep an open mind, and just give yourself a little pause and let things play out and see what happens,” Le Blanc said. “Because you might find out that your preconceived notions, your biases, have just been shattered.” 

For context, a CivicScience survey from 2022 asked adults 18 and older in the United States if they believed Bigfoot (aka Sasquatch) was a real, living creature. Thirteen percent of those polled in 2022 believed the creature was real, which was an increase from the 11% who said it was real in a 2020 poll. Gen X was also the most likely generation to believe in the creature. 

Per the same 2022 CivicScience survey, 31% of Americans polled said they believed that UFOs have visited humans on Earth, also an increase from the 2020 poll.

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Le Blanc still tries to reach those who are skeptical of such things. He said that his first book, “Monsterland,” was written for a skeptic, and he provided so much information, cases and examples for readers to sit with. 

“Not all these people can be making this stuff up,” Le Blanc said. He also acknowledges that for many people to be converted, they may need to see it to believe it. Le Blanc says he can relate: “I can listen to somebody all day long and until I actually see it for myself,” he would be skeptical. 

But Le Blanc says he has seen evidence for Bigfoot out in Leominster. He explains that in the Leominster State Forest, there is a section of the forest called “Monsterland” where multiple people have reported Bigfoot, UFO and orb sightings. He cast one of six Bigfoot footprints that were found in 6-foot strides in the state forest by a friend of his in 2010.

Le Blanc says that at his library talks and elsewhere, people tell him stories of their experiences with the supernatural.

“There’s people that have seen stuff that just defies logic and explanation, and I think they find it comforting to go to like one of these talks and actually meet other people that are experiencing the same things,” Le Blanc explained. “So I think that’s the comforting part about this.” 

While Le Blanc is a believer, others may not be — a fact he understands. But with more events like the recent drone sightings across the United States, Le Blanc believes people are becoming more aware and asking more questions.

“Everyone wants to know what’s the truth behind this? And I think we’ve been … blindsided, misled for a long time,” he said. “And I think people are ready to hear the truth.”

For those interested in investigating Bigfoot, UFOs and the paranormal, be the first 40 in line at the Erving Public Library on Sunday, Jan. 19 at 11 a.m. to secure a spot. There will be an hour long talk, followed by a question and answer session with Le Blanc.

For more information, visit the Erving Public Library website at https://www.erving-ma.gov/erving-public-library. For more information on Ronny Le Blanc, visit https://www.ronnyleblanc.com/

Erin-Leigh Hoffman can be reached at ehoffman@recorder.com or 413-930-4231.